Workplace Safety
December 7, 2021

Safety in the workplace is very important to workers and employers. Workers want to be able to go to work and leave with no injuries and employers want their employees to come to work and leave with no injuries. So, every company has protocols in place to ensure the safety of its employees. While this differs from company to company, here are the most common practices:
Fire Safety
In all workplaces, employers provide fire extinguishers and blankets for incidents that could potentially occur. Part of this is training workers to know where everything is in case of an emergency but also taking the necessary precautions to prevent fires in the first place.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
In a lot of work settings, especially the ones we staff here at Nexeo, PPE is required not only for Covid-19 but for protecting employees from hazardous materials, falling materials, and more. PPE is different depending on the industry. The most common include hard hats, eye protection, steel-toed boots, gloves, proper clothing, and hairnets.
For hard hats, you must inspect them daily to ensure there are no issues. You also must ensure the hard hat fits properly by checking the clearance between the shell and the suspension system. This allows for proper ventilation and distribution of impact.
Eye protection is meant to protect your eyes from dirt, dust, debris, hazardous chemicals, and so much more. The eye protection needs to fit your face properly to ensure they can protect you.
Steel-toed boots are typically required in warehouse settings and construction sites to protect workers from anything sharp they can step and any falling objects. However, some companies may require normal closed-toe shoes rather than steel-toe shoes. These companies typically consist of health care and production.
While there are just a few examples of proper PPE, it is good to know the basics so you can be prepared for any situation and any job you may find yourself in.
Disaster Protocols
Disasters include both natural and unnatural. While natural disasters differ based on location, all companies have protocols in place for their employees to remain safe. These protocols will include where to go in case of a tornado, where to evacuate if there is an earthquake causing damage to the building, and so on.
For un-natural disasters such as an active shooter, fires, or power outages, the protocols will include where to hide, where to evacuate, and more. Most companies will also include a go-bag with anything employees may need in case of one of these disasters.
However, none of the above is helpful if workers do not follow the protocols put in place. To ensure your safety and your coworkers’ safety, follow all protocols put before you and avoid an unsafe work environment before it happens.